Friday, February 10, 2017

Three Tips To Starting Your Own Graphic Design Business

Starting a graphic design career can be easy - as long as you’re prepared to do the work. As with any other business, graphic design requires dedication and practice. It is inevitable to make mistakes along the way, but a great deal of headaches can be avoided. There are three tips all graphic designers shoud take note of.

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Invest in the best technology: Remember that what will earn you money are your designs. The product needs to be marketable. To keep a competitive edge, it is important to have the very best technology available. Struggling artists should at least allocate a major percentage of their capital in a decent computer and a great monitor. Take note that low-quality gadgets do shift color nuances. These subtle changes can determine the integrity of the design.

Decide then educate: Graphic design covers a wide range of topics. Artists usually go to school and learn the basic programs. I t is also during this period that designers find their voice. The next step is specializing in a specific area, be that in development, animation, multimedia, etc. People tend to pay more for an artist that is well-developed in one specific topic. Artists should also consider continually reviewing and relearning their skills.

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Build a portfolio: Where most people fail is stopping their porfolio. Just because a designer has their own business does not mean that portfolios should stop. In fact, the business can be the means of developing and maintaining a strong work book. Graphic design especially focuses on "work speaking louder than words".

Another great tip is to speak with veterans of the industry. Their advice and knowledge will definitely help the starting graphic designer.

Grace Jackson Georgia is starting her career as a graphic designer. Learn more about her when you like this Facebook page.

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Graphic Artist's Guide To Better Communication With Difficult Clients

Being a great graphic designer also means knowing how to deal with clients. Certainly, the majority of the work is dependent on one’s skill, but talent is irrelevant if no one is there to appreciate it. Thus we are back to client relationships.

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For the most part, people tend to be accommodating and forgiving with their artists – especially if they’re new to the field. There are those, however, who insist on having their own way and can be quite upsetting. Here are a few tips on how to manage expectations and deal with challenging clients.

Don’t over-explain: Most problems occur due to the client having a specific vision in mind and the graphic designer unable to visualize it. Stubbornness on both sides can significantly damage the relationship. The best way to handle this is to listen to the client and explain briefly what your design means. Don’t over-explain; this is a waste of time. If an impasse is met, remember that the client’s wishes take priority over anything.

Take a breath: Remember that clients only want what they want. Designers should not become too emotionally involved in their work that they take every criticism as an attack on their personal well-being. This usually is not the case. To prevent escalating an argument, try taking a breath and taking one’s self out of the situation to view it more objectively.

Be patient: Remind your client that good work takes time. Some clients become impatient. Alleviate their fears by producing good work and being patient with their questions.

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The best way to communicate with difficult clients is building their trust. This is done by consistently producing quality work.

Grace Jackson Georgia is an intern graphic designer. Follow this Twitter page for more tips.